Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Thursday, March 11, 2010

King of the Hill - [10/52]

King of the Hill - [10/52], originally uploaded by ZebsterBC.

I've started a photography project. 52 weeks of Zeb. Since I'm off to a late start, I'm omitting weeks 1-9. This was fun. I had evening light just before sunset and it cast a wonderful peachy glow over Zeb.
Next week's photo will probably be taken at the tournament. I won't be able to catch him racing, since I'll be busy running him, but I'll have great photo opportunities anyway.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Sunday, March 7, 2010

A rare sideview of Zeb

Relaxing in the weeds, originally uploaded by ZebsterBC.

Most of my shots have him staring straight at the camera. He was relaxing in the weeds and took a moment to look around when I snapped this.

The rains didn't stop us

Got it!, originally uploaded by ZebsterBC.

We got out yesterday between downpours. This morning the storm had passed and left saturated ground behind. Zeb got a bit muddy, but he likes mud anyway.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Mud.... again!

Mud.... again!, originally uploaded by ZebsterBC.

I've suspected lately that Zeb likes mud, but tonight confirmed it for me. He went out of his way to get into the few mud puddles that remained.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Typical Zeb

Typical Zeb, originally uploaded by ZebsterBC.

It seems that all my photos of Zeb have a similar theme: Zeb standing or laying and staring at me. Its rare to get a side view of him. So, why did I pic this photo to share? A ladybug stole the scene. Can you spot it?

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Windblown ears

Windblown ears, originally uploaded by ZebsterBC.

Here's another picture from our trip out during a dry spell. The wind was blowing his ears up, so he looks prick eared in this pic. I think he's cute no matter what his ears do.

A break in the rain

A break in the rain, originally uploaded by ZebsterBC.

Its another rainy weekend, but the rain let up enough for us to get out and stretch our legs. I enjoyed the scenery, Zeb would have preferred mud.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Look into my eyes.... You want to throw the ball....

Say what?, originally uploaded by ZebsterBC.

Today was a bit overcast and cloudy, making the lighting great for pictures like this one. Are you feeling the need to throw the ball yet? ;)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

It's been a year...

The Irvine tournament is nearly here. Next week Zeb will begin is second year of flyball racing. His first team race was at this same tournament last year. He was start dog on our 'green' team. His first race was perfect, then we switched lanes and he kept trying to go to the box in the other lane instead of our box. I learned a lesson there. Its best to pull him and make him sit out that race and come back with a plan to get him back on track the next race. He raced flawlessly the remainder of the day and had no more problems switching lanes. His team placed first in the Variety division. After that race day, we were even more hooked on flyball than before.
We continued to race on the team and got used to running in all positions on the team (1st through 4th). My timing improved and Zeb took it all in stride. He's happy as long as he's racing.
Our last tournament of the year was the most fun. I didn't handle him at all on Saturday. He was run by a 9yr old junior handler who impressed us with his starts, especially since this was his first time running a dog in a tournament. I love running Zeb in flyball, but it was a treat to see him happily run for someone so young and obey all commands he was given.
In a week, our new race year begins. It should be even more fun than the last. =)